myofacial pain การใช้
- :: : : : : : " What this means for the etiology ( cause ) of TMS, as I have long maintained, is that fibromyalgia, also known as fibrosis and myofibrositis ( and to some as myofasciitis and myofacial pain ), is synonomous with TMS . I have treated a large number of patients who came with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia; their medical histories and physical examinations were consistent with severe TMS . As proof that the diagnosis was correct, they recovered completely ."
- In addition to those already mentioned, examples include " temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome ", " temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome ", " temporomandibular joint syndrome ", " temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome ", " temporomandibular dysfunction ", " temporomandibular disorder ", " temporomandibular syndrome ", " facial arthromyalgia ", " myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome ", " craniomandibular dysfunction " ( CMD ), " myofacial pain dysfunction ", " masticatory myalgia ", " mandibular dysfunction ", and " Costen's syndrome ".
- In addition to those already mentioned, examples include " temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome ", " temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome ", " temporomandibular joint syndrome ", " temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome ", " temporomandibular dysfunction ", " temporomandibular disorder ", " temporomandibular syndrome ", " facial arthromyalgia ", " myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome ", " craniomandibular dysfunction " ( CMD ), " myofacial pain dysfunction ", " masticatory myalgia ", " mandibular dysfunction ", and " Costen's syndrome ".